Welcome to U-Wish Fit!

Our aim is to empower women, particularly mothers, to feel better about themselves and look good while doing it. Whether exercising or lounging in U-Wish Fit Athleisure Wear.

Our Process:

1. Schedule a New Client Consultation

2. Purchase Your Session via the coaching tab

3. U-Wish Fit will contact you within 24 hours of purchase to confirm and schedule your session(s).

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Jiteshia Taylor, RN & Fitness COACH

U–Wish Fit was founded by Jiteshia Taylor. A single mother of 4 children and registered nurse from Saginaw, MI. She truly believes God called her to lead and help others evidenced by over fifteen continued years of service as a healthcare professional. She has touched many lives and witnessed many illnesses preventable by modifiable risk factors such as lack of exercise and unhealthy diets.

Learn More
  • Eliminate Excuses

    U-Wish Fit offers fitness coaching and fitness plans that require little to no equipment, and can be completed in as little as 30 minutes each day. This is perfect for busy mothers who struggle to fit workouts into their daily routine.

  • Consistent Encouragement & Accountability

    U–Wish Fit is dedicated to the empowerment of women, mothers, and those of us who give so much often time, losing ourselves in the service of our children, careers etc. We provide consistent encouragement to take care of ourselves mentally, spiritually and physically.

  • Get Support from an Experienced Nurse

     Being a nurse for over 13 years with a specialty in cardiology and rehabilitation Jiteshia has witnessed many illnesses preventable by modifiable risk factors such as healthier eating and exercising. Exercise helped her manage and silently overcome depression.

Look & Feel Good in U-Wish Athleisure Wear

Hand in hand with our fitness coaching, U–Wish Fit has merchandise to aid in reaching your goals. From resistance bands, reusable sauna wraps, and waist trainers. Our athleisure apparel is cute and comfortable for lounging, busy on the go gear, and looking the part while exercising. 

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